Selena Gomez

Selena Gomez wanted to engage more with her fan base and decided to try out a text message-based channel to launch her newest single, Bad Liar. They wanted to slowly hint at the new single that was coming out by feeding her fans small clues throughout her social media channels, as well as her new text messaging channel. Those who signed up for the text messaging service were given exclusive sneak peeks, as well as first dibs on new merchandise.

I provided consultation to Selena Gomez' social media manager for best user experience practices – such as messaging copy, the length of the copy, forms of media, and hero image layout.

Below is what I mocked up for them after consulting. These are not the actual images and copy that was used, but a combination of my recommendations and the general idea of the content from the music video that hadn't yet been created.

Services: Consulting, User Experience


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